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The Lean and Agile Project Management Certification is a brand new certification to convey a knowledge from a combination of prexisting industry standards. Dr. Terra Vanzant Stern and Cherokee Boose will walk you through this series to cover everything you need to know from beginning to end. You will also be able to access supplemental materials including the ebook from (the same site where you can take the certification exam). Don't delay because if you are able to certify within a few months from the exam release date you will obtain a lifetime certification not required to obtain Continued Education Credits.

This item is in Standard package and Premium Package.
Either package contains training for 4 bundled packages of Apple, Cisco, CompTIA and Microsoft and about 100 other items, like TrainingCode Active Directory in Azure,Adobe Creative Cloud,Advanced PowerPoint, Amazon Web Services, Access, Excel,Google Apps for Work,Object Oriented Java etc. With premium package, however, you also will gain access to practice exams, and be able to launch premium virtual labs. A combined $358 value!

The collection for this video course is coming soon.

To request this video to be added in some collection Call Toll-Free: 1-833-CODE321